Fri29 Apr3.30pm Agresso Resolved: Scheduled: Upgrade to Unit4 Agresso system to version 7.8 – Friday 29 April, 3.30pm to Tuesday 3 May 12pm (Midday)
Tue26 Apr9.00pm eLearning Resolved: QMplus and QMplus Hub Maintenance – Tuesday 26 April, 9pm to 11pm
Sat30 Apr9.00am Campus or Building specific, Email, Internet services, Printing, Wi-Fi Resolved: Blizard Electrical testing- Loss of Network connectivity – Saturday 30 April and Sunday 1 May, 9am to 5pm both days
Sat16 Apr8.00am Campus or Building specific, Telephony Resolved: Scheduled: Power Work in IT Services Core Network room, John Vane Science Centre (JVSC) – Saturday 16 April, 8am to 5pm