
IT Services – Service Status

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Resolved: Reporting and Analytic tools – Scheduled Maintenance – 09:00am 18th – 17:00 21st March

Tuesday, 18 March 2025, 9.00pm - Friday, 21 March 2025, 5.00pm


Reporting and Analytic Tools Downtime: 18 – 21 March 

PowerBI Availability: 18th – 21st March Between 18 and 21 March some of Queen Mary’s reporting and analytic tools are moving to the cloud, which means that there will be impact on PowerBI. Some PowerBI dashboards will remain available between these dates, but for some which connect directly to data sources on servers which are being migrated, error messages may appear, such as “error fetching data” messages. Dashboards which will be unavailable include Admissions, QEngage, Module Results Analysis, and Worktribe Pipeline. Whilst other dashboards may remain live, and you will be able to view content, the data may not be up to date, despite data refreshed labels representing that they are. Please bear with us until normal system activity is restored after 21 March.

For updates while the work is taking place, including any changes to planned restoration times, please check the IT Services status page”