
IT Services – Service Status

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Mile End Graduate Centre network issue

Thursday, 16 January 2025, 6.00pm


A network issue in the Grad Centre is affecting access to IT devices within the building and users are currently unable to log in via office and teaching room PCs. Remote access to systems via the WiFi is unaffected. 

We are working at pace to restore normal operations as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Incident Ref: INC0065719

Update 20/1/2025 17:00: Following Friday’s network incident in the Graduate Centre, normal operations have resumed and teaching this week will go ahead as planned. 

There are a number of desktop computers throughout the building which will be unavailable whilst updates are carried out. These are clearly marked and users of these machines will be notified directly.

Update 23/01/2025 13:00: There are a number of desktop computers throughout the building which will be unavailable whilst updates are carried out. ITS is in direct contact with affected staff and PhD students. Please direct any queries to