Update to the Eduroam wireless service – 17th March 2025, 7am
On Monday the 17th of March at 7am IT Services will be updating the Eduroam service, and this may impact Eduroam connectivity on your devices depending on their make and model, operating system version, and current configuration.
Impact to users and services affected:
Some devices will continue to connect to eduroam following the eduroam service update as before. However, others will behave in one of two ways as follows:
1. You see a prompt giving the option to connect:
The first time a device connects to eduroam after 7am on 17/3/25 you may be presented with a message asking if you wish to continue to connect, and giving you the opportunity to view certificate details (for example, in Windows a “Show certificate details” link, on iPhone a “More Details” link). If this happens, please confirm that the details shown match the following before proceeding to connect/trust the certificate:
Expires: 03 March 2027 11:28:27
Serial number: 34000211b785258e2cc364c42a0000000211b7
Thumbprint/Fingerprint: ff08e1d8399333afa014edf65619abd0a3091475
Note: Not all of the above parameters may be shown.
In the unlikely event that the details do not match please do not proceed to connect, and instead contact the IT Service Desk for support.
1. Connection to eduroam fails without any on-screen message:
On some devices you may not be presented with a message, but connection to eduroam just fails. In this case, connect to the internet via other means (for example using the QM-Visitor service) then configure your device with the eduroam Configuration Assistance Tool (CAT) by going to – click on Click here to download your eduroam installer, then click on Queen Mary University of London as your organisation, then click on eduroam and follow the prompts to configure your device.
Note that on Android devices you need to download and run the geteduroam app, available from the Play Store, before using eduroam CAT.
If you find you are unable to connect to eduroam, or you are in any doubt about messages received when connecting, please contact the ITS Service Desk:
* Live Chat. You can contact the IT Service Desk 24/7 by clicking on the IT Live Chat button<>.
* Telephone. Call on 020 7882 8888 from Monday to Friday, 7am-7pm. There is also out-of-hours support available on this number.
* Email. Send a message at<>.
* Self-service Portal. Use the online system to submit a ticket<> any time, day or night.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this essential work.
| IT Services | CHG0032158 |